Jun 21, 2017
While my daughter's recovering from the not so cool combo of chickenpox and tonsillitis, I had time to shake this show out of my sleeve. Punk, bluegrass, crossover, hard rock, alternative, surf and garage can be found the playlist. Don't worry, the music's good but it's not contagious!
Jun 14, 2017
Better late than never right? This episode is the usual sonic roller coaster ride that you've come to know and love(?). You'll find punk, garage, soul, hard rock, sleaze and hardcore on the playlist this week.
Jun 4, 2017
Just got back from a sweet weekend on my favorite island Ă–land. Great friends, food, beers and cigarillos and I'm dead tired. BUT, I hadn't made a show for a while and there's no rest for the wicked. So here are 36 minutes of punk, metal, crust, garage, alternative and country funk for your listening pleasure. Dig...